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» You'll Regret Sleeping Near the Mobile After Reading This Article
Cell phone radiation may affect the formation of neoplasms of cell regeneration that is not fair. Brain tumor generally affects adults of reproductive age, but a few also found cases where the tumor can also attack the children. Therefore, from now on try not to use the phone too often, let alone to get used to sleeping nearby. Mending sleep near God.
Almost the same as brain tumors, cell phone radiation can also affect the process of cell division in the body becomes uncontrollable. These abnormal cells then invade nearby tissues were routinely in direct contact with the phone, such as the skin and ears. Not infrequently members of the body such as the stomach can also be exposed to mobile phone radiation causing cancer, because unconsciously, you often put the phone down and the top of her body.
media such as television and newspapers reported a case phones exploded
and burned while the owner is asleep so that hurt him.
incident could also happen to you, if you often ngecas phone near the
bed. When the battery is full and you pull it out for fun baseball
dream, the phone will be hot and when a short circuit to occur can make
the phone burst up in flames.
Cell phone radiation for some people who are sensitive to RF waves emitted by mobile phones can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, even to vomit. Almost similar to the symptoms of pregnancy, huh?
phones can make you not be able to sleep well, whether due to busy
playing games, telephone ria with a girlfriend, busy replying to a
message from a friend, or reading the information-information from the
internet. Finally, you also disturbed hours of sleep, and sleep quality
was not.
There are some cases where the mobile phone users who have a history of heart disease suddenly died instantly when he heard his cell phone ringing in the middle of the night, could be concerned surprised that having a heart attack. This could also happen to you, especially if you forget to change the voice mode when going to sleep.
Alzheimer's disease is not contagious and generally attack someone who is old. However, for those who used to sleep near the device, radiation can accelerate the process a person experiences Alzheimer's. You certainly do not want dong developing Alzheimer's disease?
As described above, sleeping near the device can affect the quality of your sleep becomes restful. Even if you fall asleep, you actually still awake marked with you still remember some of the things that happens when you are asleep. This can lead to melting when you wake up the next day.
As is always said to be a parent, "dreamless sleep is most restful sleep."
When you fall asleep, that's when your body's metabolism working actively. If you are exposed to cell phone radiation, the body's metabolic processes will be inhibited, so that the process of digestion or detoxification of toxins in the body is disrupted.
Your eye's already tired day of work. When coupled must play cell phone at night, especially in low light conditions, after a long time you will be wearing butt bottle-thick glasses. Want to?
From now on, you should put the phone in a place some distance from the bed. Can be on the table, or in a closet. You prefer laziness move or health deteriorating?
Distribute this article to you my friends, so they know the dangers of sleeping close to the phone.
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