Thursday, January 12, 2017

Specifications and price of Samsung Galaxy V Plus - 4GB - White

Product details of Samsung Galaxy V Plus - 4GB - WhiteProduct details of Samsung Galaxy V Plus G318H - 4 GB - WhiteSamsung Galaxy V Plus comes with support for touch screen technology TFT capacitive touchscreen which has a diagonal of 4 inches with a resolution of FWVGA 854 x 480 pixels which is capable of producing density of 233 pixels per inch. Specifications promoted by this phone is not much different from other Samsung's smartphones.

Sector performance, the Samsung Galaxy V comes with support Spreadtrum SC6815 chipset with a single-core processor ARM Cortex-A7 processor speed of 1.2 GHz combined with a graphic of the Mali-400 as well as the support of 512MB of RAM memory.Samsung buried Galaxy V Plus with the support side fairly comprehensive connectivity. Owned several connectivity features include WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G HSPA, microUSB port, and dual SIM. Samsung Galaxy V is also equipped with support for 4GB of internal memory and also comes with support for external memory via microSD slot up to 32GB capacity.

Samsung also equip Galaxy V Plus with a resolution of 3-megapixel camera with LED flash that can record video with VGA resolution @ 24fps. Smartphone Samsung Galaxy V is equipped with a battery capacity of 1500mAh.
Specifications Samsung Galaxy V Plus - 4GB - White

What's in the

     Samsung Galaxy V Plus - 4GB - PutihChargerBatteryEarphoneBuku PanduanKartu Warranty

General Features:
Rear camera (Megapixel) 3
New condition
The screen size 4.0
Model V Plus
3G Network
Android Operating System
Operating System Version 4
Size (L x W x H cm) 10x10x1cm
Official Sein product warranty Warranty 1 Year
Weight (kg) 0.1kg
Number of SIM Card Slot 2
Dual SIM card type
Storage Capacity 4
Battery Type Rechargeable Li-ion Battery
Samsung Galaxy V Plus - 4GB - White
Sein Authorized Warranty 1 Year

     Dual-core 1.2GHz Procc
     512MB RAM
     3MP Camera & VGA
     Battery 1500mAh

RP 1.034 million
Message in
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