Thursday, January 12, 2017

Definition Multimedia and Multimedia in Vocational Education Programs

Definition Multimedia and Multimedia in Vocational Education ProgramsHi all. I want to share information about SMK majors in that department MULTIMEDIA. Why talk about the majors? The answer is yes because I graduated from Multimedia at SMK 1 Panyingkiran, precisely in the district of Majalengka. First story ya .. hehe ..Initially when finished graduation in junior high school, I graduated from SMPN 2 Majalengka. Well confused where ya want to continue their education. Between SMA / MA / SMK ??? Finally I decided to move on to the CMS. After that confused ya want to take some majors what and where vocational ?? One initially anyway, I do not plan on far - away days. So the decision was somewhat follow the wind but tend according to conscience anyway. I grab Multimedia department. Well fitting already passed testing and entered in the majors is somewhat confused again, the big question at that time was "seriously want to take this course?". Because I'm still new at this department. Okay enough story deh ya ...MULTIMEDIA comes from two words namely MULTI and MEDIA. Multi mean much. Media means the intermediary. Understanding the full multimedia means combination or merger of several media such as text, audio, video, animation, images presented in the use of computers with the help of tools and links so as to produce an attractive presentation.Categories in multimedia there are two kinds, namely Multimedia Communication and Multimedia Content Production. Definition of Multimedia Communications is the use of media that has a function to publish information. In this category of media used is TV, Radio, Movie, Game, Music, Entertainment, Tutorials, Internet and Print Media. With the multimedia communication will facilitate penggua in delivering and obtaining information. Furthermore Multimedia Content Production is the use of several different media such as text, animation, audio, video, image (graphic) that are combined to mengasilkan multimedia products such as music, games, movies, entertainment, etc. In the category of multimedia content production using the media as follows:

1. Media writing (text)

2. Media Voice (Audio)

3. Media Video

4. Media Image (Graph)

5. Media Animation

6. Media Special Effects (special effects)

7. Media Interactive (Interactivity)This multimedia will not be far from the art and imagination. According to Hofstetter (2001) Multimedia consists of five elements, namely:

1. Text, is the basic element to present the information. In the text placement was not in vain. Should be able to find the key emphatic conscientious consumers with our imagination. Or commonly studied in Typography material.
2. Draw (Graphics), is information that is not explained in words. Sometimes when we are driving on the highway saw huge baligo contains information just by looking at pictures without reading the words we can conclude that the contents of baligo.
3. Audio, an element which could be a conversation, music or sound effects. Multimedia without audio will taste bland like vegetables without salt. Hehehe ... The basic format is generally WAVE audio and MIDI.
4. Video, is the element that makes the information seem feels alive and clearer. Of course accompanied by audio.
5. Animation, a movement simulation generated by displaying some frames to the layer.In the multimedia department we will study it - the following:

The basics of multimedia
Introduction and assembly PC
Etymology Multimedia
Photography and Shooting Techniques
Learning Animation Basics
Multimedia Production Flow
Web Management
Design Animation
Video Shooting
Audio and Video Editing
Drawing Clean-up and Paste
Treatment multimedia equipment
Proposal manufacture of products
Graphic Arts and Figure 2D
Stop Motion
Special effects
Making the Story Board
Basic Operating System Installation
Final Project (Project Final manufacture of multimedia products)Anyway it's exclamation deh multimedia learning. Especially if it will carry out Ujikom. Huh tense for mercy. But the results make proud. Enough yes. Hope it is useful.
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