When I was 4 years old: "My father is the greatest".When I was 6 years old: "He knows everyone".When I was 10 years old: "My father is special, but cepet angry".When I was 12 years old: "My father was loving, when I was little".When I was 14 years old: "My father started more sensitive".When I was 16 years old: "My father was not possible to follow this age".When I was 18 years old: "My dad over time will become more difficult".When I was 20 years old: "It is difficult to me to forgive my father, I wonder how she can stand to live with it".When I was 25 years old: "My father was opposed to all I want to do".When I was 30 years old: "It's hard once I agreed with my father, my grandfather might be tired when my father was young".When I was 40 years old: "My father had to educate me in this life with a lot of rules, and I must do the same".When I was 45 years old: "I'm confused, how my father was able to educate us all?".When I was 50 years old: "It's difficult to organize children, how tired my father did in educating us and keep us?".When I was 55 years old: "My father used to have a distant view, and
has planned many things for us, the father was someone special and
compassionate".When I was 60 years old: "My father is the greatest".Circle this trip spent 56 years to return to the original point at the
age of 4 years old, when I say "My father is the greatest".So
let us be filial to our parents before the opportunity is lost, and let
us pray to God to make our children better in bermuamalah with us
exceeded our mu'amalah with our parents
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