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» Muslim Fashion Bloggers You Should Follow For Beauty Is Found Far Beyond Standard
As more and more different types of fashion blogs come into the
mainstream, I can't help but adore the diversity that is being spread
through style tips and stunning OOTD looks for people who don't adhere
to the unrealistic nature of Western beauty standards.
Muslim fashion bloggers are rarely seen in the mainstream media, but their style can reach far beyond colonialist perceptions of Islamic dress. From
The Hijab Lolita to
Muslim beauty pageants, the world of Muslim beauty is far larger than we're often led to believe.
These beauty bloggers take the basic fashion blog set up and add
their faith (and their faith's sartorial guidelines) to provide amazing
beauty tips and tricks that adhere not just to the Muslim faith but to
the wider world of fashion as well. Their advice isn't Muslim-exclusive,
as often blog posts about
staying cool whilst covered up can be applied to anybody. Yet seeing fashion blogs
for Muslim women
by Muslim women is exciting. No longer do looks have to be tweaked for these women; but these looks are expressly crafted
for these women.
Personally, as a white woman, I love reading these blogs even if I
know that I am not their target audience. Finally, the fashion world
isn't specifically catering only to me, or women who look like me. And
that's a beautiful thing. Their looks are flawless, their tone is happy;
and these specific blogs are scratching the surface of a massive Muslim
fashion blog network we'll hopefully be seeing much more of in future.
// http://gplus.to/tovic */
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