Friday, January 27, 2017

Downloads Grab Taxi 4.16.1

Description :

Grab - Application used to perform online booking of transport services in accordance kebutuhamn you. You can pesen Taxi, taxis, private cars until the package. How payment is too easy, can be cash or use a credit card.
Enjoy safe transport services and certainly in minutes (known as GrabTaxi). With the largest number of drivers in Southeast Asia, Grab provide taxi booking services, taxis and the fastest car.
We offer services for all walks of life and adapted to the price variations for a wide variety of transportation needs:

GrabTaxi: Book a taxi service through a network of taxi driver biggest in Southeast Asia
GrabCar: Driving conveniently using private vehicles and pay a flat rate that has been known in advance.
GrabBike: Driving around the city as fast as possible with the best online motorcycle taxi service
GrabExpress: Send your packages and documents by courier service you can trust

Both use the service GrabTaxi, GrabCar, or our other services, you can travel with ease knowing that Grab invested heavily in security. Such as training and education of safety for the driver partners, selecting partners driver's background, development of security features, including accident insurance and security cooperation conducted jointly with the government in order to give the service a safe journey for the passengers. It makes Grab the best solution of transport in Southeast Asia!

Payment by cash, credit card and using a mobile wallet (available soon), the choice is yours. Passengers will also receive an electronic receipt via email shortly after they complete the journey or arrived at the destination.

How do you use the Grab:

1. Download the application for free on the AppStore Grab, PlayStore or Blackberry World and register and activate your account.
2. Select the icon of the service you want to use! Grab application will automatically detect your pick-up location, specify the location of your destination and select NEXT.
3. Confirm the location of the driver, and you can directly track the whereabouts of the driver who was heading the pickup location.

Find out more at
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