Thursday, January 12, 2017

Do not rush Assessing

:: Do not rush Assessing ::A doctor rushed into the operating room, the father of the child shortly to be operated on him."Why are you so long to get here? What you do not know, my son's life in danger if not immediately in the operation! "He said.The doctor smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm not in the hospital before, but I immediately here after the phone the hospital."Then he headed for the operating room.After several hours, he came out with a smile on his face, "Thank God your child's condition is now stable." Helanya.Without waiting for the father, the doctor said, "Sister will help you if you want to ask."The doctor subsequently passed."Why did the doctor once imperious? He's duly gave an explanation of the circumstances of my son! "The father said to the nurse.Looking down and shed tears, the nurse replied, "Son of the doctor died in an accident yesterday afternoon, he was burying her son when we called him to do surgery on your child. Now that your child has survived, he could be back in mourning. "While the father bear the shame of silence.RUSH DO NOT JUDGE A PERSON.Maklumilah that every soul around us are also likely to save a life story that is unimaginable in our minds.Perhaps there is a tear behind every smile,There affection behind any anger.There sacrifice behind every indifference.There is hope behind every pain.There was disappointment behind every laughter.Fitting for us to be human with the taste of understand an increasingly broad and grateful with what has been given by God in this life.Remember, we are not the only man with a myriad of problems.Smile, because a smile is able to wash any wounds.Forgive, because forgiveness can heal all flavors.Be thankful with whatever we have.
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