Sunday, January 8, 2017

A pair of husband-wife story

A pair of husband-wife story In a mansion located on the outskirts of a town, there lived a husband and wife. Of people who look at first glance, they are very harmonious couple. The neighbors seemed to know how their efforts in reaching the established life as it is today. Unfortunately, the couple was not yet complete. In a period of ten years of marriage, the couple had not been blessed with a child who they are yearning desire.Therefore, although still love each other, the husband intends to divorce his wife because they are not able to provide offspring as the successor generation. After a heated debate, with sadness and grief, the wife finally gave up on her husband's decision to remain divorced.With a feeling of uncertainty, the husband and wife were conveyed to their parents divorce plans. Even though their parents do not agree, but it seems to be a unanimous decision has been taken the husband. After talking long enough and tough, the couple's parents reluctantly agreed divorce. However, they proposed conditions, namely that divorce the couple hosted a party as much as the party when they were first married.In order not to disappoint his parents, then the requirement to hold a divorce party was also approved. A few days later, the party was held. Indeed, it is a party that is not happy for anyone who attended the party. The husband looked depressed and continue to drink wine to get drunk and staggering. While his wife looked constantly daydreaming and occasionally wiped her tears on her cheeks. In between drunken husband said loudly, "My wife, when you go later. all valuables or anything that you love and you care, take it and take it !! "Having said that, shortly after he got drunk and became unconscious.The next day, after the party, the husband woke up from sleep with his head throbbing. He felt not recognize his surroundings in addition to the figure that has been known for years, that he loved his wife. So, he asked "There where I am? Why this was not in our room? Was I still drunk and dreaming? "The wife staring lovingly at her husband with tears in her eyes and replied, "My husband, my parents at home. Yesterday you said in front of everyone, that I could take whatever I want and I care. In this world there is not one item that is valuable and I love you with all my heart apart. Therefore you now I bring along to my parents' house. Remember, you have promised in the party. "With shock after a moment of realization, the husband got up and hugged his wife, "I'm sorry my wife, I'm really stupid and not realizing that it love me. Although I have hurt you, and intend to divorce you, but you still want to take along with you myself under any circumstances ". Finally both husband and wife have embraced each other in tears. They finally tied the knot will still love each other, until death separates.Moral of the story:When a marriage begins, not only aims to produce offspring, although admittedly get a baby is the desire of every couple. But actually there are many other things that also need to be dived into home life.For that I think we need to refresh our goals in marriage, that is edification promise a couple to love each other, keep each other both in a state of joy and sorrow. Through this awareness, any household conditions in which we live will find a solution. Because the process of finding a solution on the basis of affection when facing a problem, actually is one of the key domestic harmony. Treasure in the household is not located on the piles of material and property owned by a family, but of compassion and love of married couples in the family
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