Thursday, January 12, 2017

6 Tips Childbirth Child Genius

Feed - In general, women want to get offspring with the blessing exceed himself. For women who dream of having a child genius, you may notice the following seven.
1. Eat a nutritious diet
Add servings of fruits, vegetables, omega-3 during pregnancy. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins to be able to support the baby's brain development. While omega-3, none other than "brain food", essential for infant development. You can find omega-3 in fish and fish oil supplements. In addition, consume eggs as a source of choline can also improve brain function, memory boosters even during a baby's development.

Pregnant Yoga


Prenatal yoga exercise style of pregnant women are present. This exercise is useful for infant brain development and beneficial for pregnant women who are stressed, nervous, or angry. All these negative things pregnant women should be avoided because it will affect the development of the baby. Therefore, yoga is considered to make a pregnant woman more relaxed.

3. Listen to music

No need to buy headphones to provide the sound of music on the baby while still in the womb. You can listen to music as usual, one of the ways by listening to classical music. In particular, music with a relaxed tone. Therefore, listening to music on a regular basis can build bridges nerves in the baby's brain.

Stimulate baby

Study of the American Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychology, found that the dim light can stimulate the baby when placed close to the mother's abdomen. Avoid bright light directly in the stomach. It affects the baby's eyes. In addition, the stomach gently touched also one way of stimulating the baby.

5. Avoid toxic substances


Stay away from drugs, alcohol, cigarette smoke, and other toxic substances. It must be done if you want a baby's brain development in the womb is not compromised.
6.Gave birth to full-term

Babies born prematurely do not have the same brain development in infants born full-term. So consider your health during pregnancy in order to avoid the conditions of giving birth early. More Variety Method Genius Child delivery via
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